Originally posted by Shondoit
For so far my 'little' Bio.
I can not believe there is no God...
How did we get here? Evolution...
Not likely. There's a very small chance every condition neede for us to live is met
And how do we evolve? If more than a dozen human DNA gens gets changed the person dies... the step from ape to human is about 5% which are thousands of gens
Survival of the fittest? what good is a reptile with half wings, half arms? he can't fly and he has a disadvantage in hunting
What about dinosaurs? That would mean that we were around when dinosaurs were "created" by God, it's not right.
Evolution is the most approved theory of how we got here, thinking about it... It's the only one that makes sense.
What good is a reptile with half wings, half arms? Not a lot really, which you kind of answered yourself "survival of the fittest", they aren't here anymore, yet there is proof that they
were here. The reason they're not here is because they
died out, they didn't manage to
survive only the
fittest of the animals survived, ones that could scrape a living. The leaders of these are actually apes, yes that's the same league as humans. We've simply evolved better, have better brains etc.
I saw God once, in Jesus Christ Superstar, that was all I needed as proof that... God exists.