Originally posted by John Anderton
I belive this implies/could imply that you dont care about this matter ie you are indifferent to it. And thus you are irreligious.
Thus being an atheist implies that you are pretty much irreligious (in an indifferent manner and not the hostile one) but you cant make an implication in the opposite direction.
Thus my answer is you are an atheist (and this implies you are irreligious as well i guess (Smilie))
you can be atheist without being irreligious...
Irreligious is a general grouping term for things like atheist; it is not another 'category' next to atheist if you will, etc. Irreligious isn't a fixed term either, it very highly depends in what context it is used and what definition you give to it, and some definitions even contradict eachother...
Just as you can be an atheist and still be interested in religion.
Originally posted by CookieRevised
In one context, an irreligious person doesn't nessecairly believe that there is nothing, they can still believe in something.
In another context, an irreligious person does not believe in something and can even be hostile towards religion. This can mean you don't respect other people's religion and actually get hostile when one says he is Chatolic for example.
Imho, the term irreligious actually means absolutely nothing as it doesn't have a clear definition and is used in all sorts of (even contradicting) contexts. The term should never existed.