Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
The list view does serve a purpose and is not just there for my benefit... It allows the user to see the nicknames they've entered as well as remove entries and hopefully, soon I'll be able to put a "modify" button as well.
yep, but 'updating' the listview should be done only when the user asks for it, aka: when he opens the window which contains that listview and want to see the listview.
When he closes the window again, your internal arrays should update with the info taken from the listview and the script should continue to use those arrays until the next time the user opens the window. Only then you update the listview again, etc...
And when the user signs out, that's the time to write back all the stuff to the registry...
All the updates you do in the background while the window is hidden aren't needed and will slow things majorly down.
Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
One thing that does concern me is about a character limit in the registry value... Will I need to eventually just switch to a text file?
no worries I'd say... The character limit of a REG_SZ registry value is way bigger than what you'll ever need for a nickname or something though.