Originally posted by jahewi
Why do you all think that it's alright if malware (wether it is Adware, Spyware or whatever) is installed on a computer?
It would indeed not be alright, but IF and only IF it was installed automatically without the approval of the user.
The sponsor of Plus! can only be installed with the approval of the user, it will never ever install automatically.
Originally posted by jahewi
There is no mention that the sponsors will give them additional shortcuts to unreliable site and popups to even more questionable sites.
It is stated, even before the sponsor is actually installed.
In fact, when you click the first option to install the sponsor, another window will pop up with the eula which explains everything what the sponsor does.
On that same window, the user must AGAIN tick an option (an option which is again not ticked by default) before the installer goes further.
And still the user can change his mind at this point, because the next thing which will be shown is the eula of Plus! itself, which again needs to be confirmed by ticking a box (which is again not ticked by default)... so there is still time to go back and reread and/or reconsider the actions.
You can all easly test this and see for yourself