Originally posted by ChromeX
IS it only me, but when i click on Custom it shows Now Playing - " Title - Artist" instead of usual Title - Artist. I mean i cant get it to reverse Artist - Title
Could you perhaps explain that again? I don't quite understand what you mean...
If all you want is the default display format of
Title - Artist, then select "Default". If you want it reversed like
Artist - Title, then check the "Reversed" checkbox.
The "Custom" box allows you to create a personalised tag using
{0} (title),
{1} (artist),
{2} (album),
{3} (year),
{4} (genre) and
{5} (track number). So let's say you wanted to have your current media in the format of
I am listening to Mozart's The Magic Flute, written in 1791, then you would put "I am listening to {1}'s {0}, written in {3}" in the box.
If you don't know what anything does, try reading the tooltip (by hovering your mouse over an option).