Originally posted by deAd
Meksilon, what is with all the random bragging in your posts?
Your Messenger client is completely off topic. You're jumping from Adware to your own client. Advertising for sysinternals.com was also completely pointless, and your Monkey Island patch and the fact that your site has no ads are pointless too.
Well that's your point of view, I simply feel I have nothing to hide. Sysinternals is fantastic, and "word of mouth" is the most effective form of advertising - yes, but it's not like I profit from saying so. In fact, I don't profit from promoting my own site either - and considering the fact I don't really promote it at all I don't see how you can critisize me for "advertising" it.
The way I see it, Patchou is not responsible for people who install the software.
In fact, his installer would probably dissuade most people from installing the adware at all. It provides a warning, stating explicitly that the sponsor is adware and telling users that it is completely optional
They way I see it - you have the choice, you have the warning:
Just because they have it big and clear doesn't change the reality that they're responsible for bad health. This can be directly related to Patchou's installation package. At least smokers WANT to smoke.
but will help keep Plus! a free product.
Again, I have huge problems with thinking this way. I go down to the club and can enjoy a cheap meal and cheap drinks - because of their 100 poker machines - is that fair? No it isn't, and I have huge problems with poker machines in Australia - we have the choice - we have the warnings ... but it's better not to have them at all - much better.
If users just click "next, yes, next" without reading, it is completely the user's fault.
That's a matter of opinion. The letter of the law as it stands puts at fault the other party - not the consenting user. For instance, if I was taken to hospital and the nurse asked me to agree to surgery and referred to it in hospital jargon I didn't understand and then latter I found my legs were removed - I could sue the hospital for it because they had not ensured that I fully understood what I was agreeing to.
Patchou is not responsible for the stupidity of users not willing to read.
I beg to differ - he is directly responsible if he takes advantage of it. The "stupidity of users"? I have know personal friends who have installed Plus! with the sponsor – and then removed it. I never recommend Plus! to others, and calling my friends "stupid" is simply not on.
Patchou has provided users with all necessary information regarding this 3rd party adware
Who - after fully understanding everything to do with the sponsor - would install it?
Patchou has no responsibility for their actions.
See the above image.
Spyware and Malware is when they shove it up your butt without an option and without you even realizing it.
Again - who after fully understanding everything to do with the sponsor would install it?