Originally posted by yum9me
Lastly, i think you should also have the option to be able to use all categories in your nickname so you can have like a mix of your nicknames from your assorted categories. For example an "All" in the category bar which will read all of the categories and use them all.
Anyway, its a great script and i would recommend it to anyone! Keep up the good work!!!
a good start but perhaps we can expand on that last bit, for example i have a whole tone of nicknames programmed into my naming file but they are all >LAVA> DemonSlayer with different colour codes for each instance of my name, so it changes colour. i created a category for all of those called ">LAVA> DemonSlayer" and moved all my nicknames thus far into that category, leaving none in my "default" category. now the script is fine about me doing that but what if i make more categories with different names in them what would be cool is if like in webshots (a program that can randomise pictures changing it to a new random picture on your desktop each day or every so often) that you in the config screen tick the boxes of the categories you want nickchange to use, if a category isnt ticked then it isn't used, further more you could add a select all and clear all button so you can in a single click select all category check boxes or untick them all.
we can add further functionality if gradient script is installed then nickchange will let you use the nickname designer (being designed for version 3.1 i beleive) to create the colour codes and whatever's in the name box gets colourised in that design (scripts helping scripts) also it would be nice if when in the add/edit nickname screen you got to preview what your nickname will actually look like so you can decide if the colour coding suites the name or not before you save the changes.
if your computer dies youll lose all those wonderful nicknames you spent hours designing so why not add functionality for users to export their lists to a dingle file that after a format they can just go into nickchange click the import button and viola all there nicknames and nickchanges settings are fully restored.
just a few ideas to be getting on with for now but as yum9me said you did a great job with the update i certainly updated and am really looking forward to future versions.