Originally posted by howthey
K well I restarted my msn and I guess my online alert thing came up.
you guess
Originally posted by howthey
I guess the contact clicked on my alert because I changed the dp.
Guessing again. Also a contact does not need to click on anything. As I said before sessions and other things happen without interaction from the contact too (in fact they mostly happen without interaction!!). Your contact could well have been not on his PC the moment you signed on. It is mostly the messenger program itself (to update its cache of DPs for example) and the servers (to update your roaming settings for example) which react on your events.
Originally posted by howthey
But as I read, the contact should not display an alert if the contact blocked me right?
forget about what you've read though... the things posted in the above posts are incorrect assumptions, guesswork, etc. Those posts are as accurate as "
I guess the contact clicked on my alert because I changed the dp". It is simply guessing and not even accurate/calculated guessing...
Originally posted by howthey
So the contact could be appearing offline instead of blocking me?
Yep, he could be appearing offline, he could be blocking you, he could be experiencing server problems, you can be experiencing server problems, etc, etc...
The only certain thing you can come up with is if a contact has an "online" status, his Messenger is indeed online, nothing more, not vice versa, not anything else.
There are no ways to check if a contact is appearing offline or blocking you or whatever. Forget about all that...