O.P. RE: No MORE Messenger with scripts!
Some scripts could be unliinked for other...
Such as the "Swiming PSM" and the "Count Down" for example.. They keep on changing your PSM every second till your PC explodes and that's what happened to me before...!
Well, I tried activating one by one but from the first oldest one it crashed again.
So I went into the registry and forced activating them (HKCU\Software\Patchou\Mes...\GlobalSettings\Scripts\...)
But the messenger is still crashing, even if I don't sign in or even get close to it, it shows me the "Sending Error Reoprt Dialog"
So I don't think it's got to do with the scripts
P.S : The last script I downloaded was "TypingInvisible" and a script I made which tells you a welcome message and a good-bye message when you sign in and out...
thx, I remember the last thing I did (before it crashed) was that I tried the "Extreme Backup" script. It added some files but diddn't really work...
Mayb it's da cause