Originally posted by Omar
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by FrozenDaggers
I thought they did close the school? Or they cancelled lessons or something & told everyone to stay in their rooms with doors/windows closed.
Police and headmsaters (or whatever) are twisting around in every direction to try and justify their (utterly stupid <= personal addition) reaction on it...
hm.... let's see....
I don't think the Police/School Staff had any reason to believe that the initial murders were going to turn into a shooting spree across campus.
I don't blame them for initially treating it like a double homicide.
People really need to stop blaming the police and school officials here. Sometimes blaming people makes us feel better, but much of the time there really is no one to blame. ok, ok.... Only the fucker that started shooting everyone is to blame.
The warnings they gave out by email were done _hours_ later (not like 10 minutes later) and when they finally sends those warnings (by email
) the second shooting was _already_ going on for a while.... It is this aspect which makes it so questionable....
It is indeed understandeable that they treated it at first as an isolated homocide, it is not understandable what they did (not) do next.