RE: How many Idle statuses does WL Messenger have?
There always was and there still is only 1 idle status, namely 'Idle'....
'Idle' is _only_ activated when you enable the WLM option "Show me as away after x minutes". This has always been the case in the past and it still is.
When you enable "Show me as busy when I run a fullscreen app." your status will not be idle, it will be "Busy", just as the caption says. This has also always been the case in the past.
And as you can see both those options are still present, nothing has changed regarding that. The "set me as busy" is right below the "show me as away" in the preferences, I dunno how you can miss that... if you looked at the preferences at least...
Those two have always been the only two features regarding Messenger automatically changing your status.
This post was edited on 05-10-2007 at 05:13 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.