Originally posted by saralk
Your site looks nice, there is no doubt about that, from a professional point of view, you shouldn't make a site with just flash, for all the afforementioned reasons.
Why don't you also make a text only version much like JK Rowling's website has?
However, from a business point of view, I don't see a major problem with using flash for this kind of site. If you make a text only version too (it doesn't have to be amazing, really basic will do) then it negates pretty much all the search engine/screen readers/disabled access complaints.
This site is meant to be a marketing site, not a majorly functional site like facebook, and so the same design rules do not apply to the sites. It's all about knowing your audience, the kind of people who visit this site will probably like the "cool" MySpace-esque animations and tacky design, so from a "designer completing a project to the client's specification" point of view, the site is good.
Originally posted by Xeeder
Originally posted by markee
Colours and logos are only a minor issue when it comes to webdesign as they are not what makes the website function, but are just the icing on the cake and can be changed easily if you decided to go in a different direction. They should only paint on a house, it is the structure beneath that makes it a building.
I have a different opinion about this, I think everything that has to do with colours, logo's, ... is as much as important than the code beneath. These are the factors that make a website nice to visit.
I have to agree with Xeeder here, whilst it is important to have a well designed site that works fast, again it is all about audience.
Obviously making a site like facebook in flash, would be a bad move. But for site that isn't too interactive, and is more a promotional tool than a social site: flash is perfect.
The average fan of Xeeder, isn't really going to care that the site is made in flash, or javascript. All s/he is going to care about is that the site looks cool.
Thanks for the comment, maybe i'll create a text-only version one of these days. I'll do my best.