Patchou, be reasonable.
We're not insulting you. The problem is, we don't like the ads, and we're just trying to let you know how strongly we feel about it.
Some misinformed people have even been saying there are 'trojans' and there's 'spyware' - well, they would, wouldn't they, if they find it in AdAware and they're not that computer-literate? If you see something saying 'possible trojan' and you don't know what adware is, aren't you gonna think 'this guy's wrecking my computer, isn't he'?
Just to let you know, I think I am the least pleased about all these ads, but I still support you. You're doing a great job and millions of people are using your software. Keep it up. Don't lose faith in us. We haven't lost faith in you.
(Edit: by the way, the word's "encouragement"