Ok, UK mirror updated:
Also, add me to the good guy list. I can understand where you are coming from about having to install a sponsor program to try to earn yourself some spending/living money.
If my pc was MY pc, and was not used by anyone else in the house then I would install the program but with 3 kids in the house, all using my comp I wouldn't feel comfortable doing so, even though you have stated (and I do beleive you) that there isn't any adult links, etc.. installed I feel better off knowing what my kids can or can't gain access to.
TBH, if you created a 'lite' versiojn with limited extra functions for free, then a normal version with full extras & functionality and asked for, for example, $20 for a reg code, with maybe nominal fee of $5 for future upgrades (at most 4 per year, for example), I would pay as quick as I humanly could to keep Plus up to date. I've been using plus for (IIRC) just under a year now and can't ever imagine using MSN without it. There is no way I am going near MSN6 until I know Plus works with it, regardless that you can (apparantly) run MSN5 & 6 next to each other.
Even if you asked people to pay for the program, I still feel that a large proportion of the internet populace that are currently using Plus will gladly pay you for being able to continue using it.
Keep your chin up Patchou, ignore the mentally challenged, knuckle-dragging neandrathals that seemed to have crawled out from their rocks just to give you a slagging off, they're not worth losing sleep over.