Originally posted by Eddie
Lol thats cool, nice job, you sure put a lot of effort into these.
Yeah I did
there's a few I'm not exactly happy with but they'll do
It's hard to judge effort v quality though, because members of my class put a lot of effort in (whereas I put effort in but I know how it works/works in theory and can imagine how many frames I'll need to do what I want), but their animations aren't as good quality as mine
Not meaning to sound big headed/hurtful at all with that statement, someone's laugh is way better than mine for example, but most people seemed to fail to grasp 24 Frames Per Second = 24 photos are needed, some worked on 2's {doubling up frames} but then some people also kept changing the playback speed too, which although slows down/speeds up the animation to look better whilst playing, doesn't help the actual taken photos look any better when exporting (does anyone understand me
I can see that they've improved as time went on however so maybe once they've grasped editing they'll have it looking good.
I have still have lots to do, will be a big struggle for me to finish it.