RE: 7 reasons the world will end in 2012
The world will not end in 2012
In one way or another the world does end for everyone, but seperatly. There has never been and never will be (in the near future) an absolute end to the world. The world does end for each person seperatly. 3 people die each second and therefore their worlds are ending. If you think back a few centuries or even back to the beginning of the 1900's their worlds have ended. If they were to come back alive today it would be a completely different world to them. 2012 could simply be the end of the way we think of the world. Perhaps even a more peaceful environment. As for the Mayans who's to say that they said exactly 2012. We can't be certain that theysaid that as their language is dead. Something may have been lost in the translation and maybe they said 20012 or 2212, the list can go on and on. Even if it was correctly translated who can say the Mayans picked this date as the day the world would end. It may have been more like the farthest that they could forsee a winter solstice which was of the highes importance to them.
For Shippo the asteroid called Apophis is coming in 2029 and 2038 and it must pass through a 400m gravitational keyhole to even have a chance at altering its orbit into a collision course with Earth