Originally posted by JustIncredible
Sorry for the double post, but:
Originally posted by JustIncredible
Its not working for me, it says 'some of files are locked and cannot be updated please restart messenger to complete instalation'. I do that then it says 'script cannot be loaded'.
Please restart your computer, as I think there may be an issue when the skin tries to replace the Plus! toasts with my own custom ones. I'm not entirely sure of the cause of this but it seems to be random.
At any rate thanks for all the comments everyone. I already knew from the beginning that this skin wasn't going to be everyone's cup of tea but thats ok. Everyone has their own tastes so its all good.
The point of the skin was to refine some code that I use and to try out some new things. Anyway enjoy, I'm off for a few hours as its my birthday
I'll update the first post later to include a series of screen shots.