Originally posted by Aardvark
Originally posted by Oxy
Originally posted by djdannyp
If you go to Game and trade in your PS2 and all your old games you'll be able to get money off a PS3 bundle and save yourself a packet. I traded in my PS2 + about 30 games (ranging from 0-5 yrs old), 4 controllers and 2 memory cards and knocked about £250 off the price of the £450 bundle that i got in September
See I don't get people who do that. The PS2 was at least $200, how many old games, 30? At 50 a piece thats 1500 (just going on an average here). And you knocked $250 off the price. See I just think that's stupid. Yeah maybe you won't ever use the PS2 or the games again, and since a PS3 can play PS2 games get rid of the PS2 fair enough but still, as far as what you've already paid compared with what you're now giving it away for and getting a discount for as a result, it really seems as if that's a rip off.
you're working in the wrong currency, lol
the games were bought for between £15 and £30 and i actually got the console for about £40 (by trading in my old fat PS2 when i got the slimline one). And as I've said in other threads, I made a mistake by holding onto the games for so long, which is why now with my PS3 i trade in games as soon as i'm done with them rather than hanging on to them. and besides, getting ANYTHING back is a bonus, because on virtually nothing else do you get money back, think how many mobile phones, laptops, computers, etc, etc we've all had here.....and you don't get anything back for them (except if you manage to sell them on)
as for keeping the games.....that's stupid, yeah there's some backwards compatibility, but playing PS2 games on a PS3 is retarded, i made that mistake in the past too, i kept some PSOne games when i got my PS2.....they never once went back in the console because the quality of games available for the better console is such that you won't need the old ones.