Originally posted by RaceProUK
Originally posted by absorbation
Actually the Xbox 360 Elite is £250-260. I would then have to buy a wireless adapter
Isn't the Elite Wi-Fi out the box?
* RaceProUK checks...
Spend £250 on a console, and it doesn't have Wi-Fi? The Wii manages Wi-Fi at £180. Hell, the DS manages it at £100.
Yeah it is pretty cheap that it doesn't have it. MS must have thought that the majority of customers wouldn't use it (which is probably true) and would rather save that extra few dollars. Instead, the customers who do need it get ripped off (RRP $100USD)! Unless they look at the less convenient alternatives offered.
You would expect it in a portable console now (DS and PSP) though because they are portable; meant to be used on the go and not restricted by wires. A console usually sits and stays in the media room which should have wired (stable) networking offered.