I was doing the translation of Countdown Live using Plus! XLM Translator and something weird happened when I reached "Replace tag (1)"... I wrote the translation and the auto-save feature stopped to work and I can't translate anymore... actually the only thing working was the cancel button...
besides this the website says I am downloading the version 0.2.004 but the about and the installer says I have the version 0.2.003...
and I have a big suggestion with a question... why this translation script can't be translated
UPDATE: I found this in script debugger:
Función llamada: OnWndTranslatorEvent_MessageNotification
Función llamada: OnWndTranslatorEvent_MessageNotification
Error: El nodo de posición de inserción debe ser secundario del nodo bajo el que se insertará.
(código: -2147024809).
Archivo: TranslationXML.js. Línea: 179.
La función OnWndTranslatorEvent_MessageNotification devolvió un error. Código: -2147352567
Función llamada: OnWndTranslatorEvent_MessageNotification
UPDATE 2: How about adding a text box with the translators