RE: [release] Music now playing
Ok, so it's like this...
I used to use a different MSN Now Playing script, like "Now Playing Script by MJ" or something along those lines. I can no longer find this script after a very recent reformat. It now looks like this is the only WMP Now Playing script going. I like it, it's all good other than one thing. When you stop a song, is there anyway to have the song not show up in the PM bar? I can listen to a song, and 10 minutes after I've stopped playing it, it still shows me as listening to it. The standard Now Playing script that comes custom with WMP stops showing the song once it's stopped, can this script not do the same? I would just use the custom WMP Now Playing script, but then you can only have song title and album artist, which is pretty lame. I want a mix between the extended information and the song not showing once it's stopped like I had with the old script, is there a way to do that with this script, if not, can anyone recommend a script where I can do this?