quote:Originally posted by John Anderton * John Anderton pets poor dt
People should be a bit more considerate towards script developers and skinners. Contributing to the community gives them nothing. They do it in their free time and this should be respected. So when they are busy IRL, you shouldn't really push them.
If it really irks you that much, you could edit scripts yourself I mean, you *can* see the source. gogogo
I'm just saying this on behalf of every scripter and skinner not just on this community, but for every community out there. Those of us who know how much work this takes, appreciate it. People have lives. Start writing code yourself or live with it.
I agree. If people want it so bad do it themselves. If they don't know how well then I suppose learn, or wait. As stated these people do this for free, and I'd never do it for a bunch of whiners so he's obviously a lot nicer then I'd ever be. So the moral of the story is wait, it's not as if you will die if your music does not display in your contact list even so you can use A-patch to have it be shown for the time being. Just disable the "PSM" option on now playing and you can still use it's other features. At least with Winamp I don't use any other player so I don't know.