Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by Domsy
In 8.5 I use StuffPlug, and it provides the ability to have each person's window icon (in the taskbar) reflect their status. I find this essential so I know who has gone offline so I can close their window. This feature is explained at the bottom of this page: http://www.stuffplug.com/?act=features
Can easly be done with a script. In fact such a script exists since a very long time: StatusIcon.
Unfortunatly this script isn't available anymore from its original website. I've PM'ed the author to request a new upload.
Thanks, that sounds interesting. I was thinking of looking into making a script for it, but could help with some pointers for what direction I need to go to. I was thinking I'd need to do a SendMessage to the window's handle to get it to change the icon? I'm just not sure how to handle the icon itself. I'll need to research Messenger Plus! scripts as I haven't had any experience with them in the past.
Edit: Yeah I'm having difficulty figuring out how you load in a file. I've looked through the documentation and it just doesn't seem to have anything about loading a file in. How am I meant to load an icon in (in my script folder for instance using MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath)? I looked through JScript documentation and there's a function called GetObject, but Messenger Plus! doesn't seem to like that. I even looked into Interop but can't find anything either...
I'll appreciate any help. It's so strange I can't find anything on this.
Can't believe how difficult this has been, and I still can't figure it out.
I've got:
var icon = Interop.Call("user32.dll", "LoadIconW", null, iconLocation);
Interop.Call("user32.dll", "SendMessageW", chatWindow.Handle, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, icon);
And nothing seems to happen. I don't get errors or anything.
The amount of resources on the Internet to explain these things is awful... I haven't got a clue if this is the way it should be done, but I'm guessing not as nothing happens.
I'm really curious, CookieRevised, how this
can easly be done with a script.