O.P. [solved] iTunes
Man, EVERY time Apple releases an update for iTunes, they manage to freak me out. This time, when I try to run iTunes, Windows installer pops up, stating that "Windows is configuring iTunes". A progress bar fills, but then a warning shows up: "Installer does not have the required rights to adjust C:\Program Files\iTunes\Acknowladgements.rtf" (pretty loosely translated). Then the progress bar empties again and iTunes is dead.
I tried deleting Acknowledgements.rtf, now I get some new warning:
Error retrieving file protection: C:\Program Files\iTunes\CDDBControlApple.dll
GetLastError: 5
(again, loosely translated).
Could anyone help me on this?
This post was edited on 06-27-2009 at 09:21 PM by SmokingCookie.