Originally posted by Pr0xY
Asking "Has Obama lied?" is a simple yes or no question where agreeing or disagreeing with opinion is not possible.
rofl, a yes or no question can't be agreed/disagreed with?
Question: is Discrate hot?
Answers1: Yes.
Answer2: No.
Answer2 disagrees with Answer1, but the answers were still yes or no.
I know what you're trying to say, but don't make silly comments like that, lul.
---- Now that is out of the way ----
You're saying that the statement 'Obama lied' is a prove-able fact with only one answer[in your
opinion, that answer is: yes]. Unfortunately for you, and as we have seen admirably demonstrated already there is most definitely a lot of room to argue the 'statement'. Just think about it for a second, this is clearly not fact. Let's try to determine what "lying" is, and whether the fact he has spent time and effort in putting things into motion(which he has, as already demonstrated) counts as a successful act. I mean, yeah you can take the view that anything that hasn't been completed fully is a complete fail, but that seems slightly ignorant, don't you think?
You need to realise that things don't happen overnight, remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. I also agree, with Discrate on the healthcare thing: what the fuck is wrong with you?
It's not like asking "Do you think abortion is right or wrong?".
Abortion is right, now that is a fact.