RE: -SOLVED- Windows Live Communications Platform has encountered .......
Travi (and others),
Renaming that dll will let you sign in, yes, but it will brake other things, mainly the syncronization of your contacts!!!. This will not only effect the proper workings of your contact list, but it also could effect your entry in your contacts' contact lists.
I know how frustrating it might be that you can't sign in, but, please, for the last time, do not rename or delete that DLL!!! It is not a proper fix! Instead follow the official fix (link provided several posts back in one of my posts), and if that does not work then contact support so MS can investigate this.
Again, renaming or removing that DLL IS NOT A PROPER FIX and will brake more things in the futur.
You're all making it way harder for yourselfs AND for MS to investigate this. You WILL have problems later on.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.