Originally posted by blessedguy
if (cos A)*(mass of chain above BC) > (cos G)*(mass of chain above AC), it will fall to the left.
if (cos A)*(mass of chain above BC) < (cos G)*(mass of chain above AC), to the right.
This (as well as Chancer's) is 100% correct. Given that, I think Joa's probably got the answer your teacher is looking for with:
Originally posted by Joa
so theoretically without all the exact info - right now one could even say that the chain could remain in place because perhaps the pull of gravity is evenly distributed on both sides due to the angle and length of chain
This is because cos(A) is a smaller value but BC is greater in mass whereas cos(B) is a greater value but AC is of smaller mass, essentially cancelling out one another for no net movement. The only reason I think your teacher would have asked this question in such vague terms would be if that was the answer she was looking for even though technically that can't be concluded without assigning values to the lengths of the chain and angles.