Originally posted by Dudemaster
Hi, thanks for making this script.
I have a problem that appears on ly when using this particular script.
Before I start, let me just specify my specs:
Windows Live Messenger 2009 Build 14.0.8089.726
Windows XP Home Edition SP3
I guess the other specs are of no use to you, so let's start.
Every time I try to enable the script, Messenger Plus! Live, the latest version informs me it's running from the options window;
But I have repeatedly tried to exit messenger, log back in and then try to use it, disable it then enable it and more. Automatically, as I enable it, it disables itself as told by the Messenger Plus! Live event popup but also my tests on people. I have so far been unable to use it.
Can you help me out?
im having the same problem, only im running off of windows 7.. i have the same messenger build and it does the exact same.. does anyone know how to fix this?