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81000314 error at sign in (service unavailable)...
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O.P. 81000314 error at sign in (service unavailable)...

Alright, well, I havn't been here for a while, and I havn't had much problems since the last time I was here, asking about how to make my name colored (I found out what I was doing wrong, by the way), until now...For some odd reason, whilst I was downloading something, I had noticed that myself's contact in my contact list said I was offline (I added myself to test things a while back), so I deleted myself, and it signed me out. When I tried to sign back in, it gave me a '81000314' error, saying the service was temporarally unavailable, and it didn't even give me the option to start the troubleshooter. This is very annoying, because the help for this error code is even less specific for that of the '80010045' error; all it says is to wait a few minites and to try to sign back in. Nevertheless, I HAD ALREADY DONE THAT. Along with the following:
  • Restarting my computer
  • Attempting to use the repair option from within the Windows Live Messenger Installer
  • Completely uninstalling Windows Live Messenger and then installing it again
  • Downgrading to MSN Messenger v7.5, then installing Windows Live Messenger again
  • Downloading the Windows Live Messenger installer again from MSN and installing it (in case they had came out with another version of Windows Live Messenger like last time when I had the '80010045' error)
  • Deleting the Windows Live Messenger cache files manually
  • Deleting the Windows Live Messenger cache files again with Command Promt
  • And finally, even downloaded a '.bat' device from another Windows Live Messenger help site/forum, that when ran, is supposedly supposed to fix this error
    *And none of the above worked*
What should I do?! The only thing I havn't tried is formatting my computer yet...That would work. But I have a lot of customized settings, as well as many installed applications, and quite frankly in my opinion, though it may be very important to me, Windows Live Messenger shouldn't really be the kind of thing that should make you have to do something like that, for an error that is so simple as the service being unavailable; especially when the service is available. I am currently online MSN Messenger v7.5 at this very second, so obviously, you can't tell me that the service is unavailable or their is something wrong with my account. Their obviously isn't. And yes, the other option that may be annoyingly creating this problem is that my Windows Live Messenger cache files are corrupted. Well, honestly, if I had deleted them twice, in two different ways, than what the #%@$ is the deal here?!? The reason I downgraded to MSN Messenger v7.5 when this happened was because I was in a very important conversation with someone, and I couldn't afford not to finish it. What a time for something like this to happen...Isn't it funny however that none of the Windows Live Messenger error codes actually are repairable by the user? The only reason I got back online Windows Live Messenger last time I had an error (error code '80010045') was because they suddenly came out with another version of Windows Live Messenger the same night I had the problem; after I had already formatted my computer ten times, for the same reason, in the same week. But even so, none of Windows Live's help topics are in any way usefull. I followed exactly what it said to do; "Please wait a few minites, then try to sign in again". I WAITED AN HOUR...But anyway, can anyone help me with this? Does anyone even have a way to help me on this, after seeing the list of things I've alrerady tried??? Please post here if you do, I would be very gratefull...

       - xDarkesTxElemenTx

This post was edited on 09-21-2006 at 01:45 AM by xDarkesTxElemenTx.
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09-21-2006 01:25 AM
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RE: 81000314 error at sign in (service unavailable)...
Wow... I must say you are really annoyed about this too. I was annoyed enough with WLM back then when it was still not an open beta...

The Microsoft people back then when I sent a HELP back gave me a whole list of solutions for 80004005, which suprisingly also worked for some of the other error codes. However,

(EXPERTS: deleting cache is the same thing as registry files right?)

If deleting caching is the same as deleting the registry files, the noob here cannot help you as you've listed every possible solution.:(


This post was edited on 09-21-2006 at 01:40 AM by Nagamasa.
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09-21-2006 01:37 AM
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O.P. RE: 81000314 error at sign in (service unavailable)...
Well, I don't think it is...I'll try that as well though. What are all of the registry values, and what tree's are all part of Windows Live Messenger? I'll delete them all, and install it again, and see if it helps...Somehow I doubt it will however. But what are they anyway, I'll delete anything and everything having to do with Windows Live Messenger. Don't be afraid to tell me, however, I have much experience with the Registry Editor...

       - xDarkesTxElemenTx

This post was edited on 09-21-2006 at 01:54 AM by xDarkesTxElemenTx.
I can be you're best friend...Or I can be the worst nightmare that has ever happened to you...I am a Ying-Yang...Be happy you have that choice, most people don't obtain it...
09-21-2006 01:45 AM
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RE: 81000314 error at sign in (service unavailable)...
lol i just have the same problen and i tried every thing and didnt work, so i have a new email now :p
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09-21-2006 01:46 AM
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O.P. RE: 81000314 error at sign in (service unavailable)...
Well, I'd really prefer not to get a new e-mail, for multiple reasons. One being that I have many important e-mails in my inbox, and I'd really prefer not to lose any of them, and another being that it just wouldn't feel right having a new e-mail address. I've had the same e-mail for about four years. But what are all of the Windows Live Messenger registry values, and what tree's are they in so I can delete them and see if it helps?

       - xDarkesTxElemenTx

This post was edited on 09-21-2006 at 02:00 AM by xDarkesTxElemenTx.
I can be you're best friend...Or I can be the worst nightmare that has ever happened to you...I am a Ying-Yang...Be happy you have that choice, most people don't obtain it...
09-21-2006 01:49 AM
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RE: 81000314 error at sign in (service unavailable)...
well im gonan try this, im gonna delete my last email acount and then im gonna sign up with the same mail maybe it could work, and the emails you have wont be deleted
[Image: equipo_cimarrones_mxl.jpg]

09-21-2006 01:54 AM
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RE: 81000314 error at sign in (service unavailable)...
Thank you for contacting MSN Messenger Technical Support.  My name is  Sandra,  and I will be assisting you with this issue. First, I would like to apologize for the delay in response to you. We have received an unusually high number of e-mails in the past few days, making it difficult to respond as quickly as we would like.

According to your email, the issue is that you are experiencing some difficulties signing in to messenger, and you are receiving an error number 80004005.
Please try the following steps in the order they appear to help resolve this issue.

When you try to sign in to Messenger, you receive the following error message:
- Sorry, we were unable to sign you in to the Messenger service at this time. Please try again later. 80004005

MSN subscription customers only: The Details section of the Status and Support page may display the following error message:
- 80004005: Sorry, we were unable to sign you in to the Messenger service at this time. Please try again later.

This error message is a common error message that represents various connection problems in Messenger.

1. Follow these steps to uninstall the existing version of Messenger:

a. If Messenger is running, right-click the Messenger icon in the notification area, and then click "Exit."
b. Click "Start," click "Run," type the following command, and then click "OK":
control appwiz.cpl
c. In the Add/Remove Programs window, click "Windows Live Messenger" or "MSN Messenger," and then click "Remove."

2. Uninstall any third-party add-ons to Messenger, such as Messenger Plus or Smiley Central.
3. Follow these steps to delete the Messenger registry keys.

Important: This article contains information about modifying the registry. Before you modify the registry, make sure to back it up and make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Warning: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

a. Click "Start," click "Run," type "regedit," and then click "OK."
b. If all users of the computer cannot sign in to Messenger, locate the following subkey:
c. If only one user account cannot sign in to Messenger, locate the following subkey:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\MSNMessenger\PerPassportSettings\<<Passport hash key>>
d. On the "Edit" menu, click "Delete" to delete the registry entries.
e. Locate the following subkey:
f. On the "Edit" menu, click "Delete" to delete the registry entries associated with the installation of Messenger.
g. Exit Registry Editor.

4. Delete the Listcache.dat file for all accounts that sign in to Messenger on the computer:
a. On a Microsoft Windows 2000-based or Windows XP-based computer, click "Start," click "Run," type "CMD", and then click "OK."

Note: On a Windows 98-based or Windows Millennium Edition-based computer, instead type "command".

b. At the command prompt, type the following commands. After each command line, press ENTER:
cd %appdata%\microsoft
cd "msn messenger"
del /s listcache.dat

5. If you are using Windows Live Messenger or MSN Messenger version 7.5, follow these steps:
a. Delete files that may be causing a conflict. Click "Start," click "Run," type "cmd," and then click "OK."
b. At the command prompt, type the following commands. Press ENTER after each command line:
cd %allusersprofile%\application data\microsoft\identitycrl\*.*
del *.dll
cd %appdata%\microsoft\identitycrl\*.*
del *.dll

Note: If any files are in the folder, you will be prompted to confirm. Press Y to confirm.

c. Follow these steps to delete some user-specific registry entries.
i. Click "Start," click "Run," type "Regedit," and then click "OK."
ii. Locate the following subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\IdentityCRL\Creds
iii. You will see keys for every user account that signed in from this computer. Select the user account that cannot sign in, and then click "Delete" on the "Edit" menu.
iv. Close Registry Editor.

6. Make sure that you are using the latest version of Messenger. To download and install the latest version, follow these steps:

a. Start Internet Explorer, and then visit the following Web site:
- For Windows Live Messenger: http://ideas.live.com
- For MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com/download

b. Under "Registered User," click "Go." The download automatically starts, and a download progress indicator appears.
c. Follow the instructions in the MSN Messenger Setup wizard to complete the installation.
d. Click "Finish."

7. Try to sign in to Messenger again.

____, I am hopeful that the issue is now resolved. However, if the issue persists please feel free to write back, we will be more than glad to assist you again.

Additionally, any other details or information you could provide might help us to resolve this issue more quickly with more refined instructions.

Thanks again for contacting MSN Messenger Technical Support. Every customer is valuable to us, and we regret you have experienced difficulties.

Best Regards,
MSN Messenger Technical Support Team

For questions or self-help with MSN Messenger, at anytime you may also visit:
http://messenger.msn.com/help or http://support.msn.com

This post was edited on 09-21-2006 at 01:59 AM by Nagamasa.
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09-21-2006 01:58 AM
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O.P. RE: 81000314 error at sign in (service unavailable)...
How do you delete you're e-mail account? I've never even seen an option for that anywhere. But even if you do, I doubt it would work...It would still be logged into MSN's mainframe, and so it wouldn't let you create another e-mail address as the same thing.

       - xDarkesTxElemenTx

This post was edited on 09-21-2006 at 02:16 AM by xDarkesTxElemenTx.
I can be you're best friend...Or I can be the worst nightmare that has ever happened to you...I am a Ying-Yang...Be happy you have that choice, most people don't obtain it...
09-21-2006 01:59 AM
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RE: RE: 81000314 error at sign in (service unavailable)...
Originally posted by xDarkesTxElemenTx
How do you delete you're e-mail account? I've never even seen an option for that anywhere. But even if you do, I doubt it would work...It would still be logged into MSN's mainframe, and so it wouldn't let you create another e-mail address as the same thing.

       - xDarkesTxElemenTx

Close your account

To close your Windows Live account:

1) Go to the Account Summary page @ accounts.live.com.
2) On the Account Summary page, click Settings.
3) Under Common tasks, click Close your account.
4) Verify that the correct Windows Live ID user name appears, type your password, and then click Close Account.

Closing your account will permanently delete your registered information (This is information given to Windows Live, including your e-mail address and password.) and credentials (Unique information that you use to access restricted resources. For Windows Live, credentials include your e-mail address and password. They may also include a mobile phone number and PIN, a smart card, or a security key.) , as well as your contact list for Messenger and Windows Live Contacts.
After you close your account, you will not be able to sign in to any Windows Live sites or services.
If you manage your child's account, closing your account will not close your child's account, but it will revoke your child's permissions.
If the account you're closing is associated with any premium services (These are paid subscription based services such as Live Mail Plus that require you to establish a billing relationship with Microsoft) or with a Windows Live Mail inbox, you must cancel the subscription to each service or close your Windows Live Mail account before you close your Windows Live ID account.
Some of your information will not be deleted. To learn more about this see Microsoft Online Privacy Notice.


This post was edited on 09-21-2006 at 02:04 AM by Nagamasa.
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09-21-2006 02:02 AM
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RE: 81000314 error at sign in (service unavailable)...
tried on Windows messenger?
hey...... download "noroom's contact list manager" and delete all of the lists, and try wlm again...
*All posts are a purely speculative hypothesis based on abstract reasoning.
Not my daughter, you bitch!
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09-21-2006 02:09 AM
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