for iPod lovers!
We all have seen or at least heard about iPods, when i first heard about them, i ran into an iCon store with a $100 and i bought a shuffle, but it wasn't what I really wanted, i wanted a Classic iPod
anyway, i ended up buying the shuffle and it got fuc@!# xD so i saved money for a few years and now i have an iPod Touch
it's freaking great!!! i recommend it
or buy a 4th generation iPod Classic or nano which are great too
anyway, if you don't know what to say about you iPod
just answer this question
what is the best thing about your iPod (assuming you've got one)
did you named your iPod?
would you like to have MSN live on your iPod?? xD lol this question is a little bit obvious
what iPod do you have??
would you sell it to buy a newer one??