Win xp pro, 125 mb ram, p3 1ghz, 40gb hd of which about 23-25 is free.
Time taken is ..... 35 secs from power on to login screen and form the time of my login to my pc being completely loaded is 40 secs (Zone alarm pro takes 25 secs
) so thats a total of 75 secs
Originally posted by traxor
it takes my computer 62 seconds
Originally posted by Traxor
Operating System: [ Windows XP ]
Space: [ 50.13GB / 71.17GB ]
Ram Usage: [ 205MB / 511MB ]
CPU Info: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+
CPU Speed: 2131 mHz
Shut down time is 62 secs rite now ..... but when i first install xp (Format whole hd) with an empty hd and shut it down for the 1st time when there is no av or firewall or anything and my hd is clean then the shutdown time is 13 secs
and the bootup time is 39 secs
I aint kidding. Its seriously ture. Dunno why but it is. I think it is cause my hd is empty thats why