Same here. I used 732 with plus3.5 for a while without problems, but when I added the yellow emoticons from CustoMess, this error occur. Believe it or not, I reinstall both plus and msn so many times. O_o
I had this problem and I think i know the answer. If u use the (namemofcustomemote) it will appear in the quick panel. Although it only shows the most recently used emoticons
I have a similar problem but is worst... I can either enter to the quick icons config panel... cause my msn crash and close it automatically... I don't know why... I am running the same version of messenger and stuffplug 2.1.243 and another pluggins... I had patched my msn messenger with the messpatch for this one... some one can help me???
@warmth - Beta Testing a life!
Official Nokia (former Ovi) Suite Beta Tester | Nokia Beta Labs Contributor of the month (June, 2011)