Originally posted by NiteMare
your forgeting, we're not talking about everybody, we're talking about people that don't search, don't read other posts, and just go striaght to posting a new thread and asking for it
We (at least I am) ARE talking about everybody.
The people you talk about are a minority, despite what you might think. And even if we are only talking for us, it would be also usefull for "us" only.
There are always people who don't search, but there are far less people who don't search AND don't look at a very first thread title AND don't read other threads AND just clicking on "New Thread".
As I said, if it saves 1 new thread out of every 10 new threads then it is worth while....
I seriously can not understand why you should not create such a sticky thread. There is no reason at all to not do it.
Originally posted by NiteMare
stickys won't make a difference, because if they went to the proper forum, were the sticky would be located, there is most likly already another thread there asking for plus!live, if they don't read that thread, what make you so sure they would read a sticky
I'm sure that not everybody is going to read it, and I also did not say or suggested that duplicated threads would be something from the past; they will always exist. But it isn't because 5 absolute n00bs don't read such a thread that nobody does.
People do not search because searching is an "art" so to speak, you wont always have result strait away, it takes time, etc. A sticky thread doesn't need to be searched...
Again, I really, really do not understand why a sticky should not be created and what is so bad about a sticky. It has nothing than advantages, there are no disadvantages at all ([sarcastic]other than maybe he/she who create it must actually make a new thread... whoooooo hard labor... we rather make spam threads...[/sarcastic])
Originally posted by simsgenius
because the people who ask that question don't read a thing and just come marching in asking and wait for an answer cause they're too lazy to look.
So? Again: what is the problem in having a sticky then? If everybody still comes marching in, you simply can link to the sticky.
- people have all the info at once (beta testers are choosen, is closed beta, release when finished, blahblah)
- no need for a thread with 10 posts and still not all the info. 1 reply and report the thread for closure, finished...
- you don't need to write anything in reply, just the link and "please read this" or "here is all the info you want"
In fact, a sticky means that you, as a helper, can be lazy and yet still helping people out...
And for those who claim that stickies don't work...
Take a look at when the "
Blockcheckers do not work" thread was created and also look at its amount of views. Threads about blockcheckers dropped rapidly (of course from time to time people still make a thread of it, but that's to be expected, at least there aren't constantly threads about it anymore. Like it was before that sticky)...
Same with all the other existing stickies...