Misterjad, that is great. I added you to a list i'm creating. It contains the names and emailadresses of people, and the language the can translate Plus! into.
When more details about translating Plus! come availible, you will be mailed.
WDZ, if you can, make the poll so that users can choose more then one thing.
I think that when users could choose their top three of things they want would be the best. (and maybe, when your counting votes of their top three... count their most wanted thing tripple, the second most wanted thing double, the 3rd just once
I think you can add most of the things from the suggestion list into it except from the really minor thingies and bugs, because that will most likely already be fixed in 2.0 And ofcourse scripting an multi-language aren't needed in the list because they are already comfirmed.
And everybody should be able to vote... then me can make it to the mess.be and msnfanatic.com frontpages, and lots of votes are garanteed (poor ZeonHost server