Hopper generates Messenger sign-in notifications in various ways to draw your contact's attention!
Hopper now has its brand-new website designed by
The readme is inside the website's Help section
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Zip package file: 515,652 Bytes, MD5 Digest: 04A3A47FD4C49CBCA7374810B92D406A
The Installation is completely automatic. If you have any problems, please post.
- Smart command parser for /xhop and /xhopcnt
- /xhop and /xhopcnt now takes as arguments the number of toasts, status after hop, delay duration and custom message.
- The new parser is called "smart" because all the arguments are optional, and the order of them are arbitrary except that the custom message must be placed as the last argument.
- For example, if you want to Hop 5 times with custom message "Blah", and then change status to the 3rd predefined personalised status, you can run /xhop 5 persostat 3 Blah. Running /xhop persostat 3 5 Blah gets the same results too.
- To specify the duration of delay (so as to have the effects of /xhopdelay) you should prefix the value of duration of delay with letter d. For example, if you want to hop with custom message "BlahBlah" after delay 3 seconds you should run /xhop d3 BlahBlah.
And if you want to change your status to away you can run either /xhop away d3 BlahBlah or /xhop d3 away BlahBlah.
- As a result, /xhoptext, /xhopdelay, /xhopcnttext, /xhopcntdelay are now depreciated and removed from the command list in Plus! plug-in menu. They are still internally supported for people not yet familiar with the new integrated commands.
- Split-Message function
- The long-awaited Split-Message function is something quite interesting: You can break your custom toast message into several parts, each of which fits in one toast separately.
- The delimiter used to separate the message is \d.
- For example, if you specify "Messenger Plus!\dis the most popular\dadd-on in the world!" as custom message, your contact will see three toasts, "Messenger Plus!", "is the most popular", "add-on in the world" showing up.
- When Split-Message is used, "Number of Hops" is ignored. For example, if you set a HopKey's "Num of Hops" to 4 and set its toast message to "Blah\dBlah2", only 2 toasts will show, one containing "Blah" and the other "Blah2".
- Split-Message can be used everywhere in Hopper, whether in HCC, HopKey, Conversation-window command...etc.
- The order of the toasts can be reversed by adding a DWORD registry "ReverseSplitMessage" as 1 to HKLM\ SOFTWARE\ # Middle Sea\ MPPlugin.HopperHopper.
- \n, \t can now be used to specify a new line or a tab, respectively, in custom message (wherever it is). To show the symbol \ in custom toast message, you have to type \\.
- In-program Help has been re-organized.
- Some other small improvements.
For detailed change logs of previous versions, please refer to
Hopper³ - Change Logs.
Bug Report, Suggestions and Others
If you encountered an error in Hopper and were asked to report it, please take a screenshot of the error message box, and report everything by posting a reply. Please don't forget to write about what you did to raise the problem.
If there are any bugs or suggestions, please reply this thread, or go to
my forums. Criticism is welcome too!