Wouter you might want to change the readme you forgot the "'s in the registering
1: Go to Start > Run > and type:
2: Type.. regsvr32
"c:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 2\Plugins\winamp.dll
" And click OK.
3: DllRegisterServer in c:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 2\Plugins\winamp.dll succeeded appears.
4: Run Install.reg yes/no will appear press yes.
5: restart msn messenger
6: Type.. /xwinampoptions for options and /xwinampon to enable song 2 nick
Edit:Woo hoo this one is working just fune

mabey in a futer verson so you can make it so its just one like so you can just type in %winamp% and it would make the song. like im listinint to


right now. then you would only have to have one line instead of 2 or 3. if not i like the fact that its working