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Messenger PowerPlus
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O.P. Messenger PowerPlus
Originally posted by CookieRevised
About Messenger Power Plus:
* It is NOT a MSN Messenger. This is also an addon for MSN Messenger that hooks into MSN Messenger, just like Messenger Plus! does.
* "Messenger Power Plus" also skins your MSN Messenger in memory. It does a fine job in hooking.
* "Messenger Power Plus" and Messenger Plus! aren't compatible with eachother.
* Messenger Plus! has far more features then "Messenger Power Plus" for what I can tell
* I strongly doubt that "Messenger Power Plus" is supported by Microsoft. Hence, all the speculations about the fact that Microsoft will only have animated display pictures in "Messenger Power Plus" is totaly false. Microsoft has nothing todo with "Messenger Power Plus".
* "Messenger Power Plus" has his own display pictures. Hence the speculations that animated display pictures in MSN Messenger are possible isn't exactly true. "Messenger Power Plus" uses his own system and I think use (abuse?) the MSN protocol to send his own (animated?) display pictures. The normal Messenger Display pictures are still there...
I did say that Microsoft didn't had anything to do with PowerPlus. I must take my words back on that...
It seems that Microsoft have something todo with it.

The reason why I said that MS had nothing todo with it was that I couldn't found any trace within PowerPlus that it had. And, if you look at the homepage of PowerPlus, you could see clearly the MSN theme. But anybody can fake that, so this wasn't solid proof. Also, I couldn't find any trace of mentioning PowerPlus on any official MSN Messenger related site I've found.

BUT I was wrong... If you visit http://messenger.msn.co.kr/ (which is an official MSN site), you can see that MS does mention PowerPlus there.

Now, this only proofs that PowerPlus is supported by MS.
NOT that it is created by MS! Infact if you look at the actual installed programfiles of PowerPlus, it has no mention of Microsoft anywhere, even not in the trademark-field, which is very strange...

Also, the whole discussion about the Deluxe Animated Displaypictures doesn't change.
The animated DP's in PowerPlus have nothing todo with the default and normal DP's in MSN Messenger and are completely unrelated.

Furthermore, the rumour that Animated display pictures are only going to be integrated in the Korean MSN Messenger (stated on mess.be) is still not correct.
As you can see:
1) PowerPlus is an addon for MSN Messenger (just like Plus!), not a replacement.
2) It is PowerPlus that has animated DP's, not MSN Messenger (there is NOT ANY official report that says that MSN Messenger is going to have them, even not in 6.2, it is all speculation rooted in the fact that people confused PowerPlus with Messenger).
3) Animated display pictures are already in PowerPlus.
4) the animated DP's in PowerPlus are something totaly seperate then the normal default MSN Messenger DP's (you still have them in PowerPlus).

So, The only thing that is changed from the above list in previous post, is that MS does mention PowerPlus on their official MSN Messenger download site, nothing more.

Mirror link to a setup (I think version

Official link to the setup (version

Interesting article about PowerPlus:
http://www.google.com/search?q=ktitplaza+wisepost (click on CACHED version, since the page is down)

This post was edited on 04-08-2004 at 03:11 PM by CookieRevised.
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04-07-2004 06:46 PM
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RE: Messenger PowerPlus
You're welcome :).


This post was edited on 04-07-2004 at 06:53 PM by Menthix.
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04-07-2004 06:49 PM
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O.P. RE: Messenger PowerPlus

About Messenger PowerPlus:

* It is NOT a MSN Messenger. This is an addon (in Korean language only) for MSN Messenger that hooks into MSN Messenger, just like Messenger Plus! does.

* "Messenger PowerPlus" also skins your MSN Messenger in memory. It does a fine job in hooking.

* "Messenger PowerPlus" and Messenger Plus! aren't compatible with eachother.

* Messenger Plus! has far more features then "Messenger PowerPlus" for what I can tell.

* "Messenger PowerPlus" concentrates almost only on his animated display pictures and stuff around it.

* Microsoft does support "Messenger PowerPlus". BUT, all the speculations about the fact that Microsoft will only have animated display pictures in the Korean "Messenger PowerPlus" (mess.be) is not correct:
- Microsoft didn't make "Messenger PowerPlus". It is a 3rd party addon FOR MSN Messenger created by the company WisePost.
- Animated display pictures are already in "Messenger PowerPlus".

* "Messenger PowerPlus" has his own display pictures. Hence the speculations that animated display pictures in MSN Messenger are possible isn't exactly true. "Messenger PowerPlus" uses his own system and I think uses the MSN protocol  to send his own animated display pictures. (I'm not sure of this, it could well be done via P2P)

* It is well possible that the animated display pictures-system used by "Messenger PowerPlus" works like the Audiator plugin for Plus!. You only send an indexnumber to your contact, not the picture(s) itself. (<- speculation on my part)

* The animated display pictures actually contain several animated pictures layered over each other to combine a new display picture. So you can the head of pic1, the body of pic3 and the legs of pic8, to combine them into a new character for example. (<- don't know for sure, but this is what I can make of it from the look of it)

* The normal MSN Messenger Display pictures are still there...

* Both parties (you and your contact) need "Messenger PowerPlus" to see the animated display pictures.

* To use all the features (like the animated display pictures) in "Messenger PowerPlus" you need a registration number; The animated display picture system (or avatar-system as it is called by "Messenger PowerPlus") isn't free.

This post was edited on 04-08-2004 at 03:28 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
04-07-2004 07:02 PM
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O.P. RE: Messenger PowerPlus
Originally posted by MenthiX
You're welcome :).
Thanks, but it wasn't your post that tipped me... I was still editing/writing my posts here and on some other places, so I didn't read yours first. I had a big hint when I was browsing the PowerPlus homepage (there is a link there to the official Korean msn messenger download page..... as Homer would say: DOH!!!).

It seemed that we both came at that korean msn site at the same time :D

This post was edited on 04-07-2004 at 07:12 PM by CookieRevised.
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04-07-2004 07:06 PM
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RE: Messenger PowerPlus
Originally posted by CookieRevised
It seemed that we both came at that korean msn site at the same time
That must be a typical Dutch thing to do... visiting sites you can't even read :d:p

(alright Flemmish if you wish, but you get the point.)
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04-07-2004 07:27 PM
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RE: Messenger PowerPlus
Originally posted by CookieRevised
"Messenger PowerPlus" and Messenger Plus! aren't compatible with eachother.
did you tested it? That's dodgy, 'cause plus works fine, so powerplus is doing weird things :P
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Microsoft does support "Messenger PowerPlus
why would M$ do that? If powerplus is just an addon like plus, why doesn't M$ support plus (just as an example)? What are the features of powerplus (appart from the animated dps and skinning?
Originally posted by MenthiX
That must be a typical Dutch thing to do... visiting sites you can't even read :d:p

(alright Flemmish if you wish, but you get the point.)

bored people.....
Messenger Plus! en español:
<< http://www.msgpluslive.es/ >>
<< http://foro.msgpluslive.es/ >>
04-07-2004 09:37 PM
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RE: Messenger PowerPlus
can other people see these animated DP?
3 days, 4 hours, 2 minutes, 56 seconds till the end of the world

04-07-2004 09:48 PM
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RE: Messenger PowerPlus
Originally posted by CookieRevised
* Both parties (you and your contact) need "Messenger PowerPlus" to see the animated display pictures.
04-07-2004 09:52 PM
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RE: Messenger PowerPlus
Originally posted by KeyStorm
send his own animated display pictures. (I'm not sure of this, it could well be done via P2P)

Hmmm seems to me this could be used for alot, if i remember right the P2P is built into MSN Messenger (I think i read that on games.mess.be some where). Hmmm could be used to send lots of things e.g. sounds maybe :-/ Who knows :) Anyway m probably wrong.

Originally posted by CookieRevised
* Both parties (you and your contact) need "Messenger PowerPlus" to see the animated display pictures.

Yeh thats often with things like this and anoying, seems to me ill stay with Plus! :)
Reisyboy: He is the priest to guide us from evil.. which isn’t working… so we call him Frier Tuck
04-08-2004 11:52 AM
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O.P. RE: RE: Messenger PowerPlus
Originally posted by Choli
Originally posted by CookieRevised
"Messenger PowerPlus" and Messenger Plus! aren't compatible with eachother.
did you tested it? That's dodgy, 'cause plus works fine, so powerplus is doing weird things :P
Yep, I tested... Powerplus takes the upperhand, no trace of Messenger Plus when PowerPlus is loaded (even not a recovery window).
Originally posted by Choli
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Microsoft does support "Messenger PowerPlus
why would M$ do that? If powerplus is just an addon like plus, why doesn't M$ support plus (just as an example)?
beats me... you can see it on the Korean MSN Messenger site: http://messenger.msn.co.kr/ ...
Originally posted by Choli
What are the features of powerplus (appart from the animated dps and skinning?
As far as I can see, appart from that... nothing... It doesn't realy supports skinning though, but it skins the MSN Messenger completely, things got moved to different places, added buttons, and some other stuff. It's not that you can apply your own skin (without reshacking of course). But it does the skinning in memory (soft-patching), which is interesting...
Originally posted by reisyboy
Originally posted by CookieRevised
send his own animated display pictures. (I'm not sure of this, it could well be done via P2P)
Hmmm seems to me this could be used for alot, if i remember right the P2P is built into MSN Messenger (I think i read that on games.mess.be some where). Hmmm could be used to send lots of things e.g. sounds maybe :-/ Who knows :) Anyway m probably wrong.
You don't build in P2P (point-to-point)... I mean, it is not something like the MSN protocol. P2P is a term used to say that an application makes direct contact to another application without the use of extra servers/services/etc... This differs from the MSN protocol, which needs servers to operate. (I'm proberly explaining it not too well, but blah).
MSN Messenger can use P2P to send files. This means the files will be send directly to your contact without the use of another server. What I was trying to say was that maybe the sending of images isn't done via the MSN protocol (like with the normal DP's) but P2P. But this was an old statement anyway, I'm more sure it doesn't send the images at all, but only a number/index, just like the Audiator plugin. So the image itself isn't send, but the "name" of the image. This also means that you aswell as your contact needs the same pictures to see what your contact has set as his picture...
Originally posted by reisyboy
Originally posted by CookieRevised
* Both parties (you and your contact) need "Messenger PowerPlus" to see the animated display pictures.
Yeh thats often with things like this and anoying, seems to me ill stay with Plus! :)
Yep, and the reason is simple: The animated Display pics are PowerPlus' own system, which has nothing todo with MSN Messenger...

Note: WDZ posted an interesting link to an article about WisePost, the creators of PowerPlus: Interesting article about PowerPlus:
http://www.google.com/search?q=ktitplaza+wisepost (click on CACHED version, since the page is down)

This post was edited on 04-08-2004 at 03:25 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
04-08-2004 03:08 PM
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