Good work!
Found some minor things, though!
Collides with &Bruk
UseInChatCheck=&Bruk tilpassede kontaktnavn i samtalevinduet.
No ampersand
EnhanceCheck=Utvid formaterings-verktøylinjen med Plus!-egenskaper.
No space before colon (only (??) the French have that!)
TruncateNamesCheck=&Avkort kontaktnavn lengre enn (tegn) :
Does & before an é work? Not on my keyboard anyway!
OnlineCheck=Aktiv&ér Messenger Plus!-varsling når kontakter logger på.
But try to use &A on ALL instances of Aktivér if possible!
Ampersand missing:
And you've got far too many periods/full stops (.) for my taste.
Don't use your own (your sister's??) standard.
For example, this one looks plain silly:
Keep up the good work, Jan-Owe!