Originally posted by nyboe
I would like to point out the original poster said he got a message to UPDATE msgplus. There is no install screen.. It simply asked to update msgplus and then it just went ahead and loaded my machine with all this crappy SCUMWARE that even Ad-aware couldn't remove. I had to manually edit my registry, and track down several program directories it tried to hide throughout my machine.
I would like to point out that there is not a signle difference between the "update"-procedure and the "manual"-install procedure. Both procedures will invoke
the same installer, and will show you
the same options,
including the sponsor agreement.
Originally posted by nyboe
Once again, just to confirm - I originally installed msgplus over a year ago, and every installation I've done since then I've always made sure to NOT accept the sponser agreement.. This time the updater decided I needed the scumware and screwed my system over...
There is
nothing changed in the install procedure, and the sponsor agreement will
always show up and if you choose not to install the sponsor, it will
not install by itself. This is impossible. Heck, it is even impossible to be a bug, as this is programmed in a very simple way:
INPUT "install sponsor"?
If "yes" then
End If
Also, note that only a handful of people complain about this issue. If this was for real (installing even if you choose not to) then millions of users would have that problem...
Originally posted by nyboe
It's really a shame to see such a great piece of software resort to Kazaa style methods to generate income. I certainly hope this was a huge mistake and it never happens again, but somehow I doubt that very much.
There is a very huge difference between the "kazaa"-style methods and the
optional, stripped down and very light sponsor package of Plus!
It is your and only your own fault that the sponsor got installed by accident.
To remove it, simply uninstall Plus!. This is the normal and logic uninstalling procedure for the sponsor package. Do not resort to programs like ad-aware, S&D, etc. as they will not uninstall the sponsor properly and will cripple the uninstalling procedure.
If you did try those methods, then first you need to fix the uninstaller again by installing Plus! with the sponsor. After that, do a normal uninstall of Plus! and follow the instructions given (like closing every MSIE-window!).
Detailed (official) instructions can be found here:
Also, take your time to read the following threads to know more about all this:
Sponsor Agreement Screen: