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3 votes - 3.33 average   [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
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RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
Why not just use msgplus live's contact list clean-up to see who removed u?
08-11-2006 09:36 PM
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RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
I'm a Taiwanese. I find out that when the contact name is Double-Byte characters (like Chinese), the display will be a mess. Could you try to fix it?
08-12-2006 12:13 PM
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RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
This notifier doesn't react properly on 'BYE' messages.


Originally posted by wwb
Wasn't it impossible to make an accurate notifier for opened/closed conversations? I mean, that's why this feature was removed from StuffPlug... :undecided: (Here's the explanation.)
absolutely correct...

and even despite people saying "it works for them", it does NOT work as a convo notifier.

All those who say "it works for them" don't actually tested such scripts/addons properly and/or don't know how or why it doesn't work in detail.

Even those who create such scripts don't even always know how it actually (not) works (referring to how those creators explain and describe their scripts and referring to another thread with another script like this claiming it can destinguish between a convo opened and not a convo opened by reading a certain paramater).

I whish people did some proper research before claiming and explaining stuff...

Originally posted by alexp2_ad
Yes, but some people would still like to have a potentially inaccurate notifier, than no notifier at all, since it still has some uses, like occasionally telling when people are appearing offline and stuff like that.

Basically, people would rather see a sometimes incorrect notification than see no notifications.
All good and well, but those people should be informed properly that it is seriously inaccurate and that there is no such thing as a convo notifier; You can be notified about opened sessions, not about opened convo's.

Calling such scripts convo notifiers is bluntly misinforming people and keeping the fairytale alive. It should also be made extremely clear in the descriptions of such scripts/addons that it does not work as a open convo notifier.

Originally posted by Firehalk
I really liked the idea and the script in itself.
Many other people like the idea of having a open convo notifier too (me too actually, but...). In fact many people so much like the idea they refuse the accept such feature doesn't work anymore (in any way), no matter what people who seem to know their stuff as they create such scripts claim...

Originally posted by krands
This is all I got:
[Image: msn1nn1.jpg]

I'll check out the newer debugging one and see if I can get anything more
this has probably nothing todo with this script but with a bug in WLM itself which popped up a lot lately. Install the newer version (currently build 812) of WLM.

Originally posted by taktikz
Why not just use msgplus live's contact list clean-up to see who removed u?
maybe because it is less convenient?


added: altered Dutch translation to closer match Dutch translation of Plus! and messenger (and fixed error).

.zip File Attachment: Dutch.zip (294 bytes)
This file has been downloaded 322 time(s).

This post was edited on 08-12-2006 at 04:23 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
08-12-2006 01:33 PM
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RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
this WORKS great for me.
I HAVE NO PROBLEMS WITH IT and have been using it since ur first release. had about 2 false notifies out of about 30.
thank you
08-12-2006 10:09 PM
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RE: RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
Originally posted by Tomky
I'm a Taiwanese. I find out that when the contact name is Double-Byte characters (like Chinese), the display will be a mess. Could you try to fix it?

same here :S
08-13-2006 02:45 AM
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RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
I reverted back to 1.02 and didn't have any problems, now I've downloaded the new WLM (8.0.812) so I've back to the version in the first post to see if the problems I was having was the result of the older version of WLM.  If I have any problems, I'll let you know.

Edit: Still kicking me off WLM.  Reverted back to 1.02 again.

This post was edited on 08-13-2006 at 05:19 AM by jmccarroll.
08-13-2006 03:06 AM
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RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
i am a wireless user.
i found that i  can't input the script into my msgplus live
it got a message and crashed my wlm...


it writes:
An exception occured!
Message: Access violationat address0AE83D65in module 'BotDKLive.dll'. Write of address 0AE83D65
wt does this error mean?
08-14-2006 09:38 AM
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RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
I can make Swedish translation if you need.
08-14-2006 10:33 AM
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O.P. RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
Originally posted by rockie
y to get that as stable as possible, if anybody reports errors.. although, seeing who removed you from your contact list is good, it could also
Actually, that's exactly what I'm doing now :).
I've not been answering in this thread for a few days because I've been busy putting together and installing my new computer. From now on I'm gonna work on Live Notifier again. You can expect a new (hopefully more stable) release soon.

As CookieRevised is says, it's not possible to make a 100% accurate convo notifier. There are a number of situations where it's not accurate:
  • When someone uses an MSN client which doesn't immediately create a convo session when that someone opens a convo window
  • When someone opens a convo window just to check out your display picture you will probably get a false notification (this could be 'solved' by displaying a notification when someone actually starts typing a message, but there are people who have patched WLM so it doesn't send user typing notifications, so that won't make it 100% accurate either)
  • Maybe some more... Anyone?
@CookieRevised: Now I have explained myself a bit about this issue, I hope you can forgive me the 'bluntly misinforming people' ;) which was - of course - never my intention.

Thanks for all the positive feedback on this script!
08-14-2006 05:59 PM
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RE: RE: [Updated] Live Notifier V1.10 (formerly Convo Notifier)
Originally posted by mrhuge
Maybe some more... Anyone?
The things you listed are things triggered by the user. However their Messenger itself also opens sessions too (thus not triggered directly by the user) to update stuff (eg: the DP in the contactlist).

Originally posted by mrhuge
@CookieRevised: Now I have explained myself a bit about this issue, I hope you can forgive me the 'bluntly misinforming people' ;) which was - of course - never my intention.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
08-15-2006 02:33 AM
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