For the "Idle on demand" script: see below....
Originally posted by absorbation
Shrbr is making something, he found a registry value to change to idle status and is intergrating it into a script.
The only idle related Messenger registry value there is is the one which indicates with what status you are going to signin. This is shown and used already 2 months ago in my Remember Status script.
But this is of no use whatsoever to the OP.
Even if you can set a registry value to "idle", that wont do anything good since Messenger does not constantly poll the registry to see if it needs to change the status.
To change the status on demand to 'Idle' you need to manipulate the protocol directly (this is how some addons like Messenger Discovery do it) or find a means to trick messenger into setting it to idle directly.
Also, don't forget that messenger reconizes when the computer goes to idle and out of idle by recieving a Windows message from Windows. It might by possible to manipulate that instead, but it will also have some
possible drawbacks if you don't do it right and thus not do what has been requested (which is to set the status Idle on demand but still being able to use the computer; so the status stays on Idle and doesn't switch back to online). It depends on how you do it.
Originally posted by shrbr
Make a .reg file
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger\PerPassportSettings\MSN ID]
Replace MSN ID:
I already showed that registry key and the use of it in my
Remember Status script. However this is of no use of what has been requested in this thread.
because this post is linked to in several other threads):
you can not set your status to idle using
Messenger.MyStatus = 6;
The idle status can be retrieved, but can not be set like this!
The MyStatus property is used to get or set the current status and 6 indicates the idle state.
EDIT: A known and very old method to set your status to Idle on demand is to patch Messenger. The patch consists of replacing an existing status with the Idle status in the protocol code which handles the setting of statusses.
However, doing this will have major drawbacks: say you change the 'Busy' status with the 'Idle' status, any contact who is busy will be shown as idle. Also, you wont be able to set your status to busy anymore either.
Hence I didn't considered this as a solution. However, since KnRd_WC recently used this method to make a patch, it got me thinking again about these drawbacks and how to eliminate them.
So, to overcome these drawbacks, you can use a dirty but simple hack: patch a messenger status, set your status to that patched one, and change the patched status back to what it was. This is exactly what is done in the attached script "Idle on demand".
But note that such simple patch scripts are version specific. They are designed for a particular build (or builds) and will not work on any other (unless they are made generic, but that requires more code and isn't always that easy/possible). The attached script is only compatible with build 8.0.0812, 8.1.0106, 8.1.0168, 8.1.0178, 8.5.0517, 8.5.0601 and 8.5.1018:
Idle on demand (WLM 8.0.0812, 8.1.0106, 8.1.0168, 8.1.0178, 8.5.0517, 8.5.0816 and 8.5.1018 (and very maybe 9.0)
- Select 'Idle' from the Plus! icon submenu for scripts
- Use the '/idle' command in a conversation.
It will always be updated shortly after a new (public) Windows Live Messenger version comes out (when I got the time!). Please do not alter the script yourself.
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