Originally posted by ShawnZ
Knoppix was designed as a LiveCD, its optimized as a LiveCD
I'd still rather have to PAY for Knoppix from a CD than run Unbuntu AT ALL
The reason Ubuntu is going to start charging is, as said earlier in this thread, people order CDs and waste them. Many people I know used it once. Many PC users stick to what they know and seeing as PCs mainly get shipped with Windows or people buy Macs, Linux distros often go unheard of and are treated as "different". It's becoming more apparrant that Linux is slowly starting to look more and more like Windows using a "taskbar-esque" bar at the bottom, a "K" menu rather than a start menu. While Linux is coming up with with new features, MS are taking note of the good ones and putting them into Windows (things such as the multiple desktops PowerToy that is available). No matter how much any OS improves, Windows is always going to win, meaning no OS is giong to be completly free AND compete seriously against MS