Well i released them onto msgstuff but remembered i didn't post here, so here goes:
Basically I've animated (or improved on other's animations) most of the standard emoticons from messenger creating what i like to call Animoticons (catchier than animated emoticons
The installer doesn't have a 'finished' screen so just click install then check your emoticons to see if they've installed, sometimes you can see the Messenger Content Installer progress bar pop up for a second or two also
anyway hope you like them, get them on Mess.be blah blah blah
Also get the stuffcast on Mess.be too, they keep ignoring us even though we're trying to be friendly ¬_¬
PS) codes are pretty much the same as default one so quick example
cat {@}
smile =)
only ones that are dodgy is
dog {dog}
nerd 8o)
wtf =/
because the & symbol buggers up installer and the others i couldn't fit a = in
ALSO Replacer Script for use after installing pack (in case you can't be bothered to type new codes)
Click Here For Replacer.plsc - markee's tweaked version
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