if your computer dies youll lose all those wonderful nicknames you spent hours designing so why not add functionality for users to export their lists to a dingle file that after a format they can just go into nickchange click the import button and viola all there nicknames and nickchanges settings are fully restored.
You can get your nicknames list from
"C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\Scripts\NickChange"
or whatever directory your Messenger Plus! Live has been installed to. It is the .txt file. When you open it you will know its the one
Also another suggestion would be a character counter. Maybe a little counter somewhere that tells you how many characters you have used (including the prefix and postfix). This would be good so you don't go over the Nickname character limit and names don't get cut off and stuff.
quote:Originally posted by yum9me
Also another suggestion would be a character counter. Maybe a little counter somewhere that tells you how many characters you have used (including the prefix and postfix). This would be good so you don't go over the Nickname character limit and names don't get cut off and stuff.
OK, that toast that pops up every time i sign onto messenger that says the NickChanger's settings, lets say that I didn't want that to pop up anymore. What would I change in the script to disable that toast?
BTW, nice script
i use the holiday counter to count to down to an event and it uses a tag (!XHCOUNT) i want that in my name sufix but when i try it it just displays the tag not what should be replacing it can i fix this?
quote:Originally posted by kvnhmmd
OK, that toast that pops up every time i sign onto messenger that says the NickChanger's settings, lets say that I didn't want that to pop up anymore. What would I change in the script to disable that toast?
BTW, nice script
Remove the following piece of code (line 500):
code: if(Signin) {
// Make the user aware of the plugin
var sec = Settings['Interval'] % 60;
var min = ((Settings['Interval'] - sec) / 60) % 60;
var hour = (((Settings['Interval'] - sec) / 60) - min) / 60;
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("NickChange Plugin", "NickChange Plugin is still on\r\nInterval: "+hour+"h "+min+"m "+sec+"s\r\nOrder: "+(Settings['IsRandom']?"Random":"Sorted")+"\r\nChange: "+(Settings['ChangePSM']?"Personal Message":"Display Name"));
quote:Originally posted by kvnhmmd
OK, that toast that pops up every time i sign onto messenger that says the NickChanger's settings, lets say that I didn't want that to pop up anymore. What would I change in the script to disable that toast?
BTW, nice script
Remove the following piece of code (line 500):
code: if(Signin) {
// Make the user aware of the plugin
var sec = Settings['Interval'] % 60;
var min = ((Settings['Interval'] - sec) / 60) % 60;
var hour = (((Settings['Interval'] - sec) / 60) - min) / 60;
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("NickChange Plugin", "NickChange Plugin is still on\r\nInterval: "+hour+"h "+min+"m "+sec+"s\r\nOrder: "+(Settings['IsRandom']?"Random":"Sorted")+"\r\nChange: "+(Settings['ChangePSM']?"Personal Message":"Display Name"));
Could you in a later release make it an option so we don't have to modify any code and if we decided we want it again we don't have the problem of re-inserting it?