My First Script, DateTime Live!
What it does: By using the command '/sendtime' the current time and date is sent to the conversation window. The message that is sent is customizable and supports all Plus commands! and emoticons! Your contact's can also get the time from you by sending '!gettime' - this sends the the saved message.
The 'Options' and 'About' can be found under the DateTime Live! menu when the MP!L icon is clicked.
Main Uses: 1)I made it so i could easily send my time(and date) to people who live in other countries, like markee.
2) So contacts can ask for your time and date, without you needing to reply, or even be there.
Screenshot: Options Window
Scrrenshot: In use
Any bugs or feature requests post them and i'll look into them!
Many thanks to fatfreechicken, for help with the coding and testing. Thanks to markee for helping me start scripting in the first place, and introduce me to the scripting world
Well i think that's it! =)