Originally posted by Big0ne
Do you have hotmail account?
My gf had same problem before. Seems fixed since she switched to gmail.
What type of account you have shouldn't matter at all...
Problems can exist with all kinds of accounts. The reason why it seems to be solved is probably because that gmail account connects to a slightly different server (MSN has a massive amount of servers to spread the load) which is more reliable to
your location. But this can be said the same of hotmail accounts too.
Another reason can be that by the time you switched to the gmail account the actual problems were solved. Aka: if you had that gmail account during the time you had problems with that hotmail account, you would have had problems with the gmail account too.
All in all, it is not a good move to switch accounts like that and certainly not to create yet other accounts. This will never solve the actual problems, you just work around existing problems. If you want to solve the problems you better contact Microsoft/MSN about it so such issues can be resolved for you and for others.
As for asairel, please keep it to one thread

You've made different threads about your problems and it is hard for anyone to keep track of what you already tried or didn't try in that way...
For the both of you, and anyone else experiencing login problems, read
contact MSN and describe your problems in as much details as possible, that is the only way how the MSN service can be made better. Again, creating other accounts doesn't solve anything, it is just a workaround..
I hope it gets solved