What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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1 votes - 2 average   Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
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Messenger Plus! Creator


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O.P. Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a

just a little message to inform you that Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a has just been released. Please, update your mirrors :). What's new? absolutely nothing! :p I just modified the setup so that the license agreement for the sponsor is more clear. Among other things, the checkbox now says "I agree, install the sponsor". I've asked to many testers what they think about this new layout and they all agree on the fact that is much clearer than before.

As for the amount of ads installed by the sponsor, whis will be decided before the end of the week, I'll keep you informed. However, may I say that some of you are doing too much? of course you can dislike the ads and uninstall the program but saying that I'm installing trojans, lol, that just proves you don't know what you're talking about.

Big thanks to the ten people on this forum that still encourage me to do a Messenger 6 version. If I just listened to what the majority is saying about me these days, I would simply shut down this forum and show you what it would be like if I really wanted to mess-up your computer. Yes, I know, that's not very nice to say that but it's 1:30 in the morning here and after another day battling against Messenger 6, reading some of the stuff I've read here and on some other sites showed me how much ungratefull a lot of people are on the internet. Thank you for showing me how useless it is nowadays to distribute freewares.


This post was edited on 06-05-2003 at 06:08 AM by Patchou.
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06-05-2003 05:45 AM
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a

PATCHOU! we are with you dont care abot those dumbA** they dont know how much MSGPlus! is worth I say it worth more than that sponsor program (I mean I will install it just to show my support). I know you will NEVER let torjons out (if you wanted to do tht you would have done that a long time ago)...

thankz for MSGPlus! PATCHOU! (Y) :plus2:
06-05-2003 06:02 AM
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
Thanx Patchou, I'm sure that now, People will shut thier mouths. Now, if they install the adds and whine about it, it will DEFINATELY been thier own stupidity (or maybe they can't read :P)


Note for sock: My mirror is updated. http://www.eckohost.com/~pluslite/Plus/Latest/MsgPlus-210a.exe
06-05-2003 06:08 AM
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
Am I in those 10 people? Coz if not then you've missed someone out...

In school i installed the sponsor program, to test, coz you know, school comps are useless, :p and it installed properly, and it uninstalled properly, although the Message boxes when browsing can get too annoying... The search bar is ok, but what i dont understand is why do they name it something like "fhgfudghg" I mean why all the secrecy???? why not name is "Lop.com Search Bar"

I think people would trust the sponsor more if it was a bit more honest, if you know what i mean...
The previous sentence is false. The following sentence is true.
06-05-2003 06:09 AM
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Messenger Plus! Creator


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O.P. RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
I completely agree for the name of the bar, that will be part of my discussion with them. Thank you w_y3k, Koala Blue, DX and Segosa for your encouragements (is that an english word? well, whatever... :p)

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06-05-2003 06:18 AM
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
engouragements :)...its an english word (Y)

OH! and ...thanx again for being willing to keep your users happy :)...you rock :bow::plus2::bow:

This post was edited on 06-05-2003 at 06:23 AM by DXtremz.
06-05-2003 06:22 AM
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
Patchou,  just have one of the mods delete any negative threads concerning the sponser program before you get the chance to read them:P...jk

Anyways,  thanks for the best freeware out there!  You could easily charge a fee for it considering it's such a great program,  but you choose not too,  which I admire(Y)

Keep on rockin!!!:bow:

06-05-2003 06:22 AM
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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a

This post was edited on 07-09-2016 at 02:32 AM by user503.
06-05-2003 07:05 AM
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Its Groovy Baby!

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RE: RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
Originally posted by Koala Blue
You are right when you say how ungrateful people are......we deal with these people here and in the chat......

They do nothing but complain about the sponsor, but then demand that a version of plus be released a.s.a.p for MSN 6.....

Yup it's true Patchou We stand up for you I'm head ass kicker and do it soo well in chat even if it does mean me getting kicked as well :s all I can say is good luck and maybes one day you can make everyone happy [tell me how you do it as it's a deemed failure to make everyone happy] 

Well said my piece and want you to know I'm behind you 130% :bow:
Mess.be Forum Moderator
Messenger Plus ex-IRC Network Admin
Gimme a Rep!
06-05-2003 07:27 AM
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Captain Ghost
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You are feeling sleeeeeepy...

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RE: Messenger Plus! 2.10.36a
Patchou, don't let a few uneducated dumbasses who like to whine and complain turn you away from the hundreds of thousands (dare we believe that number of 4 million??) of users who DO love your program and who DO support you no matter what. What you see on these boards is a mere fraction of that very happy and satisfied masses that you have given hours of enjoyment and fun to with your program. And the whiners are a fraction of even that!

:many:  <-- See the happy and satisfied masses??

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together will understand what you are trying to do with the sponsor program and will either install it or not as they see fit. You and many others on this board have been MORE than patient with the people who have needed help removing it after an accidental install and I'm sure the majority of them are grateful for the help.

Personally I will not install the sponsor program as I have had problems with lop.com before . . . not through Plus! but through some other underhanded means of theirs. They buggered up my Active Desktop. Those Plus! t-shirts looks pretty cool though. *grins* I am thinking of getting a few things from the store. :deal:

I still have Plus! v2.10.34 on my machine and I will just stick with it until Messenger 6 is out and a compatible version of Plus! is ready to go with it. I am a patient guy. :grin:

I have been using Plus! for about a year now Patchou and it kicks so much ass it ain't even funny. I could never imagine running MSN Messenger without it . . . My Messenger would feel naked!

So please Patchou, remember that you are appreciated and you are admired and you most definitely ARE supported, in the hearts and minds of the loyal and the faithful Plus! users . . . if not so much by their wallets. :bow:

From one Canadian to another . . . Keep up the great work Patchou! :wave:

06-05-2003 07:33 AM
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