Sorry Daz, I was led to believe that the PS3 did run a 640p resolution as a standard. If I was a Microsoft fanboy, then I wouldn't have written that the PS3 was good etc,c I would've completely bashed it.
Also, Basilis... You said that you'd
never played either then changed your mind... you haven't got a clue what you're talking about, so let people who do have a discussion about it.
As for the cpu, the ps3 only has one core whereas the xbox 360 has three, so it has more processing power.
Originally posted by Basilis
Anyway, I had played in a mall with XboX 360 controllers and I found it difficult. You may got used to them but I doubt they reach PS3's easiness in use.
The Playstation controllers require you to stretch your thumb across to use the analogue stick. The shape of the controller suggests that the d-pad is the most used - when it's not anymore, it's the analogue stick. That's what's good about the 360 controller, everything is in a great position, the triggers, the bumpers, the guide button etc.
PS3 controllers have
awful triggers (if you'd read my post for an explanation), but it's great that they're rechargable.
Daz, sorry about getting the hard-drive thing wrong too, I just thought that you couldn't upgrade it... tbh that's an awesome feature by Sony to allow you to do that. It's just a little harder to change than the 360.