What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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RE: Thank you Plus! the block checker
Yes quite possibly, it's been like this for a while, at least a week or so. Quite a serious problem if you nolonger want your phone numbers displayed for whatever reason.
xlifeWLM Plus! General04-19-2004 at 10:22 PM
RE: Thank you Plus! the block checker
Does this nolonger work? I haven't seen any of these messages in months. And when I've asked people to block me who have phone numbers added, they just go offline, no "contact may have modified his/her phone number to: (none)". Or is it just me?
xlifeWLM Plus! General04-19-2004 at 09:01 PM
RE: Messenger Plus! Event Log Reader
I could probably write it in VB but would have to learn more of the language, something for the future i guess. Can look into make it unicode compatible, or at least mention that it isn't for the time being. And would be cool if was linked to, thank...
xlifeWLM Plus! General12-08-2003 at 11:10 PM
Messenger Plus! Event Log Reader
I recently updated my event log reader to work with the latest versions of Plus (since the log files now use the systems time format). It's still backwards compatible with old log files. Feel free to test it: [url]http://eventreader.csvs.co.uk/[/url...
xlifeWLM Plus! General12-07-2003 at 04:46 PM
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