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RE: Quick question... Carmen Sandiego was in Peru last time I played, well actually, that was where her henchperson was.......anyway I think the really question was where in the world is my toothbrush, damn cleaner might have stolen it :@ | Muss | | 08-30-2004 at 10:49 PM |
RE: Member privacy doesn't look like I am getting her address form here then I will contact Dane , although, he is kind of funky himself :undecided: | Muss | | 08-29-2004 at 01:23 PM |
RE: Member privacy /me finds this all incredible funny I really think that I should be given her email address.......I think that is a good solution to the problem. As for this breaking the rules crap, maybe a new rule "Admins power is abosolute, and is monitored by ... | Muss | | 08-29-2004 at 11:17 AM |
RE: RC2 still, RC4 almost out :o :pound:? You guys just need to settle down a bit, if you guys (yes, you are a guy KB) are wanting to have a go at each other, then just do it and get it over with. Stop trying to cover it up by trying to make it about something semi relevant | Muss | | 08-29-2004 at 01:43 AM |
RE: Quick question... Also, had sean ([b]his[/b] email is :dodgy: add me on msn for some reason :S SAid something about "I was wondering why you were there blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... | Muss | | 08-29-2004 at 01:30 AM |
RE: Quick question... What a load of bullshit :rolleyes: | Muss | | 08-29-2004 at 01:28 AM |
RE: This is just crap.... I know what it was about, it was never funny to me though :P | Muss | | 07-25-2004 at 12:41 AM |
RE: This is just crap.... weekends and wednesdays? WTF :P Wednesdays are busy, cause my busiest day is thursday - meaning work on wednesday night (A) and weekends? either catching up on sleep, being hung over, doing work, or somethign else :P I will be on msn basically 12/7 (... | Muss | | 07-13-2004 at 12:21 PM |
This is just crap.... I am never here, so why am I still a mod? :P I finished my exams and shit, (A+, A, A-, B+ for my papers btw :P) worked for the two week break, and am now into second O week (orientation weke, start of semester B) I do have time at the moment, but not... | Muss | | 07-12-2004 at 11:48 AM |
RE: QuickQuote Ok, upgraded to opera 7.51 and quick quote works properly :dodgy: And forum layout looks normal (with 7.11 the quick reply box was way the hell on the right hand side of the screen) | Muss | Forum & Website | 06-03-2004 at 12:36 PM |
RE: New theme! Back to shady :P | Muss | Forum & Website | 06-03-2004 at 06:32 AM |
QuickQuote WDZ, Quick Quote isn't working properly for me - well actually - It works fine under IE, but when using Opera 7.11 it loads the but that is it, doesn't actually get what they said. Anyone else having this problem with opera? | Muss | Forum & Website | 06-03-2004 at 01:48 AM |
RE: Stairway to Heaven...scary You actually believe that crap :lol: | Muss | General Chit Chat | 06-02-2004 at 01:34 PM |
RE: Favorite song of all time! A perfect Circle - Three Libras And you guys can't be serious about walkie talkie man can you :undecided: Steriogram are a dodgy New Zealand band, I can't believe their song actually made it to another country :S And people actually liking that s... | Muss | General Chit Chat | 06-02-2004 at 01:42 AM |
RE: c++ help Well that doesn't help then :refuck: Anyway I fgured out A way to do it, probably isn't very efficient, but it works well enough. Generate random number Enter For loop that loops until 'i' = the random number, and increment 'i' In the loop read... | Muss | Tech Talk | 05-29-2004 at 08:52 AM |
RE: Software you couldn't live without If you are on a network, get share watch, or something similar. Lets you disconnect people who leech multiple 'things' at once, well lets you disconnect them easily :P Much like this stacey person, getting 6 movies off me at once :fire: | Muss | Tech Talk | 05-29-2004 at 07:45 AM |
c++ help I am needing to RANDOMLY inport a string from a txt file. I know how to get strings, single lines, single characters etc in order, but I have no idea how to jump to a random place, and get that entire word. The way the txt file is set up is: Word1 Wo... | Muss | Tech Talk | 05-29-2004 at 07:32 AM |
T&T People lately have been purposely 'breaking' the rules of the forum in T&T, like doubel posting on purpose just tyring to be funny :rolleyes: MAybe the rules should be changed so that it doesn't say "rules are less trictly enforced in T&T" or wh... | Muss | | 05-23-2004 at 01:30 AM |
RE: Search user's posts... :banana: | Muss | | 05-15-2004 at 08:10 AM |
RE: Search user's posts... WhereTF is that :undecided: | Muss | | 05-15-2004 at 04:20 AM |
RE: Search user's posts... [url] &category=317&item=3192382184&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW [/url] :banana: Mnj, isn't it just like setting an option in your profile though? You turn off excerpts, then you search for what you want to serach ... | Muss | | 05-14-2004 at 01:20 PM |
RE: Muss/Jehuty Is that advertising in your sig ^o) :refuck: | Muss | | 04-29-2004 at 03:34 AM |
RE: Bob Stupid mother fucker from NZ, Three red boxes now :banana: If Segosa doesn't shut up about the whole thing, just tell him it was me? It wasn't me, but just tell him it was, I want to see what he says :refuck: | Muss | | 04-29-2004 at 02:14 AM |
RE: Muss/Jehuty Kind of, I have exams, tests, assignments everyweek :S University shit :P And during the breaks (semester breaks, holidays etc) I work full time, not I work full time and go to uni at the same time :P So I have shit all-time, it might just be cause ... | Muss | | 04-29-2004 at 01:57 AM |
RE: Patchou's Webcam (Image Inside) :dodgy: resinatlling seems like a bad idea now :refuck: | Muss | General Chit Chat | 03-24-2004 at 10:35 PM |